Robyn Moore AM

Life-Changing Coach & MC
Robyn Moore is regarded as one of Australia’s best and most in-demand speakers. For over 40 years she has been working in education, advertising and the communication/entertainment industry. She has unique skills with ‘the Power of the Word’ and her entertaining, inspiring and thought provoking presentations totally captivate her audiences at national and international conferences.
Robyn ‘sells people back to themselves’ so they recognise old habits and behaviours and take responsibility for choices, which create the outcomes they want in their lives (personally and professionally).
She consistently creates the cut through results her clients want, in areas such as workplace culture, change management, engagement, purpose, leadership, passion, values, wellbeing, work/home balance.
Robyn’s presentations are quite often literally described as… “life changing”.
Robyn Moore speaks about:
Robyn’s presentations are tailored to your brief as well as being designed to:
– Re-ENGAGE your delegates/staff with their whole LIFE! Their Vocation/Job, Business, Purpose, Family, Relationships, Community…Themselves!
– Re-ALIGN delegates/staff with the Vision, Values and Goals of the company or their business.
– Re-INVENT attitudes and behaviours…attendees access personal responsibility and self-determination. The by-products are Leadership, Integrity and Authenticity.
– Re-GENERATE Passion, Energy, Productivity, Laughter and Work/Home balance.
– Re-MIND your audience about what “really mattered before the circumstances changed everything!” They experience Possibility, Optimism and Satisfaction again…and the desire to pass this onto their staff, team, customers and their families.
– Re-STORE confidence, hope and resilience in challenging times
When she is also the MC, delegates consistently report “The Best Conference EVER”! Having one, two or three days with an audience, enables Robyn to enhance her relationship with everyone. Through her years of experience she holds the conference together, keeps people totally engaged and…deepen, embed and re-enforce the theme and messages from the entire conference.