Michael Nagel

Educator, Expert on Child Development & Keynote Speaker
Associate Professor Michael C Nagel is one of Australia’s leading experts on child development. A researcher, and teacher, he has been widely published in journals and textbooks, has worked extensively internationally and is regularly asked to present his insights on cognition and learning, human development, educational psychology and human behaviour.
As both a parent and a teacher, Dr Nagel puts his theories into context, clearly demonstrating to his audience how they apply in a practical environment.
More about Associate Professor Michael C Nagel:
Dr Michael Nagel has decades of experience as teacher and behaviour specialist on multiple continents. He researches and teaches at the University of the Sunshine Coast and has delivered over 200 workshops and seminars for parents and teachers nationally and internationally. Dr Nagel has been nominated as Australian Lecturer of the Year each year since 2010.
Dr Nagel has been widely published in numerous journal and textbooks and is the author of ‘Boys-Stir-Us: Working WITH the Hidden Nature of Boys’, In The Beginning: The Brain, Early Development and Learning’, Nurturing A Healthy Mind: Doing What Matters Most For Your Child’s Developing Brain’, ‘It’s A Girl Thing’ and ‘In The Middle: The Adolescent Brain, Behaviour and Learning.
Dr Nagel is a member of the prestigious International Neuropsychological Society and a feature writer for the Child series of magazines which offers parenting advice to more than one million Australian readers.
Dr Nagel has conducted workshops and seminars for students, teachers and parents at over 200 schools in Australia and abroad.
Dr Nagel presents keynotes, workshops, seminars and industry papers to audiences nationally and internationally. His insights linking neuroscience and education along with neuroscience and work have been well received by parents, educators and various professional organisations alike and he is regarded as one of Australia’s foremost experts in child development and in understanding the development and idiosyncrasies of the brain.
Michael Nagel speaks about:
There have been extensive conversations and interest around changing brains within adults. But what if we could positively influence our children by understanding their development and the links between neuroscience and education? What impact would we see in the future if our youth are understood and powerfully and guided into adulthood? With this in mind, Dr Nagel speaks to the topics of:
Hello is there anybody in there – understanding the developing brain – Looks at the development of the brain and the implications of this on learning and behaviour. Can focus on early childhood, primary and secondary school environments or a combination of all.
Nurturing a healthy mind – doing what matters most for a child’s developing brain – early brain development and how to nurture such development positively.
Boys and girls learn differently – snakes and snails and puppy dog tails, just what are boys brains made of? and It’s a girl thing – These presentations focus on neurological differences in boys and girls and the impact this has on behaviour and learning.
Enhancing learning and motivation in students – Provides contemporary insights into learning, motivation and 21st century learners.