Keith Abraham

Leading innovation facilitator & business growth speaker
Keith Abraham, has become the world’s premier thought leader on Goal Achievement. CEO’s of Billion-Dollar companies turn to Keith for inspiration, insights and ideas on how to bring the best out of their people and themselves.
As founder of Passionate Performance he has been dedicated to researching, training and working with people to help them find their passion, harness their passion and turn their passion into personal and professional capital. He has developed a client base of over 465 companies around the globe.
He has written 6 Best Selling Books published in 12 different languages and spoken to more than 1.6 million people in in 39 countries in 26 years. Having been presented with the highest honour for professional speaking, the Nevin Award, Keith was also named ‘Keynote Speaker of the Year’ in 2012, then in 2019 was named Educator of the Year by the Australian National Speakers Association and is a Hall of Fame Professional Speaker.
Keith Abraham talks about:
Passionate life
Keith shares three simple steps to living an extraordinary life. Customised to your business, the ideas will relate to the industry your people work in every day and focus on real life strategies. Keith will explore the clarity gained around both their professional and personal lives, and how this will enhance their confidence.
Passionate leaders
Keith inspires your leaders to master leading themselves first. He helps them understand team dynamics, set standards and identify personal influencing skills that contribute to delivering the best opportunities to lead business growth and success.
Passionate customers
Keith describes the three strategic components for creating loyal, passionate and profitable ambassadors for business. With your audience, he will identify opportunities, emphasise the importance of a service experience, and together, develop an action plan that can be implemented from the first day back in the office.
Passionately focused
Based on Keith’s 2017 book, Focus, this highly demanded presentation shares the threee simple steps to focus on what counts, remove the distractions and silence the noise. Keith helps audiences connect to what is important and provides the solutions for how to create momentum and make progress.