Joe Cross

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead
Joe Cross is an Australian entrepreneur and investor and the founder and CEO of Reboot Media, a health and lifestyle brand that creates entertaining and actionable educational media for anyone that is sick and tired of being sick and fat.
Joe is also the host and subject of Reboot Media’s first feature length film, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. The film documents Joe’s personal transformation from a fat (45 kg overweight) 40-year-old taking medication for high blood pressure and high cholesterol to a medication-free fit, healthy and active man with a mission.
Joe turned his life around by radically changing his diet. If he only consumed plant food – vegetables, fruit, nuts, beans, legumes and seeds -would he be able to get off his medication? In 2007 he did his first ‘reboot’ (juice fast) and consumed nothing but the juice of fruits and vegetables for 60 days. He was completely off his medication by March 2008 and has since stayed healthy and fit by making juice a part of his daily diet.
Since then, Joe Cross has made it his mission to get everyone to increase their plant food consumption. He decided to create a community that would enable everyone to experience his life-changing approach to looking after ourselves. By early 2012, Joe had 250,000 members on and over 100,000 Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead Facebook fans.
Joe has also turned his discovery into a new business which makes it easy to drink fresh, raw, nutritious, delicious juice part of your daily life: RebootYourLife Juices.
Joe Cross began his business career as a trader on the Sydney Futures Exchange. During the early 1980s until 1998, Joe founded several companies in the derivatives trading and technology space. Then, from the late 1990s until 2003, Joe managed a diverse portfolio of assets for Queensland Press Ltd, a wholly owned company of News Corp. In 2003, he began investing his own capital in a number of businesses which have gone from a start up to a thriving and successful business in a few short years. They include high-end US and Australian fashion labels and a club and education centre for families with small children.
More recently, Joe founded Reboot Your Life, a socially conscious health and wellness company that provides information, tools, media and entertainment, consumer products and community support to encourage people to consume more fruits and vegetables in order to improve their health and vitality.
Joe lives in New York and Sydney.