Bob Pritchard

Mr Marketing
Bob Pritchard is the founder of Marketforce One Inc, and a global specialist in business development with SMEs.
Bob Pritchard’s formidable talents have produced outstanding results. By introducing the concept of private ownership to major sporting teams in Australia, he permanently changed the face of Australian sports promotion. His early successes included Kerry Packer’s revolutionary “World Series Cricket”, the first “Skins” Golf Tournament outside the USA, and marketing the first Australian Formula One Grand Prix.
Bob’s ‘Goosebumps’ promotion for Frito Lay’s Smiths Division increased sales by $115 million while the customer service program he developed for Nippon Travel resulted in a $105 million profit turnaround in the first 12 months of its implementation.
Bob is one of the most in demand business/marketing speakers in the world, sharing the platform with international business leaders including Bill Gates and Richard Branson. He is known for his dynamic delivery, meticulous preparation and practical takeaway value – and for his ability to fill conference venues across the world.
In 1999, Bob Pritchard won the ‘International Marketer of the Year’ Award at the Global Marketing Congress. This was for his creation of a Global, 90 minute Television Special on a century of American film making. The project included 10 accompanying major events, $40 million in Sponsorship, a special edition of Newsweek Magazine plus a variety of retail promotions.
Bob Pritchard works with 87 of the Fortune 500 companies, including: 3M, BMW, The Coca-Cola Company, Citibank, Ford, Astra Zeneca, DeloitteTouche and Hilton Hotels. He currently serves on the board of several companies in Australia, the US, Sweden, England and New Zealand.
Bob Pritchard is also an author and his best-selling books include: Complex Marketing Made Simple and Marketing Success Stories. His fifth global book release, Kick Ass Business and Marketing Secrets, took place in 2011.
Bob Pritchard talks about:
Bob Pritchard combines sound business advice with entertaining anecdotes to produce powerful and valuable presentations that can cover:
- Social Media – This powerful new communication medium reaches over 500 million people a day. But what is it and how can your organisation maximise its marketing opportunities to achieve your business goals?
- How to Blitz Your Competition in a Recession
- What Makes or Breaks Your Business in the Information Age
- 15 Keys to Business Success
- It’s Not the Size of the Budget, it’s the Size of the Idea!
- How to Blow Away Your Competition
- Give Awesome Service and Added Value … Or Fail!
- Motivation, Education and Communication … The Keys to Marketing and Sales Success
- Branding is dead … Brand Equity is absolutely critical to success
- 15 Kick Ass Business and Marketing Secrets