Bob Arno

Criminologist and comedian
In his hilarious exposé performance Bob Arno blends comedy with reality. His spectacular show of classic thievery reveals the sly tricks of real-world pickpockets.
A few minutes of exclusive video showing actual street thieves informs, amazes, and preludes Bob’s surprising take on how it really happens-with a comedy twist. There’s nothing like it.
International Street-Crime and Anti-Theft Consultant; Bob Arno gives comedic Lessons from The Steal Business. Tactical observation skills lifted from the street are useful in the boardroom and business lunch.
Peppered with humour and anecdotes, Bob Arno is a globally recognized criminologist and comedian, and is co-author of Travel Advisory: How to Avoid Thefts, Cons, and Street Scams.
Bob Arno has appeared on Ripley’s Believe it or Not, HBO’s Just for Laughs, Letterman and more. Bob Arno is a leading international provider of theft risk management solutions for business and leisure travellers. He also teaches awareness and the importance of observation skills as a strategy to gain the competitive advantage in business relationships.
Bob Arno talks about:
- Is your competition picking your pocket?
- Gain the competitive advantage
- The Illicit Acquisitions Game
- Data-mining and intellectual property theft
- Travel safety and identity theft