Ashley Fell

Social Researcher, Trends Analyst & Keynote Speaker
Ashley Fell is a social researcher, TEDx speaker and the Director of Advisory at McCrindle. She is the author of two books on leadership and generational insights, titled Work Wellbeing and Generation Alpha. She is also the host of McCrindle’s podcast, The Future Report.
From topics including future trends, business insights, leadership and communication skills, Ashley is passionate about delivering visually engaging, tailored, and research-based presentations for corporate, government and not-for-profit clients.
Her expertise is in training and equipping leaders and teams on how to lead across generational divides; particularly Gen Y (popularly known as millennials), Gen Z and now the newest generation, Generation Alpha.
From Ashley’s experience in creating engaging research-based content, strategising public relations, managing social media platforms and coordinating industry events, she is well positioned to advise on how to achieve cut through in these message-saturated times.
In addition to delivering informative keynote presentations with splashes of humour at conferences, boardroom briefings, and PD Days; and MCing special events; Ashley is regularly interviewed for print media, TV programs, radio and podcast
Ashley Fell speaks about:
- Future Trends
- Generational Change
- Leadership
- Demographic Insights
- Communication Skills