Allan Snyder

Centre for the Mind, ANU
Professor Allan Snyder received the Marconi Prize – ‘the world’s foremost prize in communication and information technology’ – in New York City, December 2001.
Bulletin/Newsweek magazine describes Allan Snyder as ‘agile, playful, audacious, inventive, [he] leaps across boundaries, making unexpected connections, juggling a dozen trains of thought at once’.
Allan Snyder discoveries in vision are hailed in Nature as ‘breaking a 19th century mindset’, while his advances in physics are described in Science Magazine as ‘a giant step forward’ and featured in the Economist.
Allan Snyder controversial hypothesis that everyone possesses the extraordinary skills of savants (like Dustin Hoffman in Rainman) is featured in The New York Times, the Times of London and the BBC documentary Fragments of Genius, while he is declared ‘brave and original’ in a recent New Scientist cover story.
Professor Allan Snyder is Director of the Centre for the Mind. He holds the Peter Karmel Chair of Science and the Mind at the Australian National University, and the 150th Anniversary Chair of Science and the Mind at the University of Sydney. He also writes for the popular press and frequently appears on radio and television.
Previously, Allan Snyder was a John Guggenheim Fellow at the Yale School of Medicine and a Royal Society Guest Research Fellow in the department of physiology at Cambridge University. He has degrees from Harvard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and University College, London. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of London and the recipient of its 2001 Clifford Patterson Prize.
Professor Allan Snyder is an inspiring speaker who speaks on wide ranging issues of the mind and corporate performance including creativity, genius and madness, unconscious skills, what makes a champion and corporate championship.